Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Lawrenceville, GA

beautiful dark haired woman smiling, holding toothbrush near mouth, cosmetic dentistry Lawrenceville, GA dentist

Countless dental surveys have found that Americans place a very high value on the appearance of their teeth. A nice smile tops the list of the most important features to have along with clear skin, bright eyes and beautiful hair. Thanks to innovations in cosmetic dentistry, you can get a perfect smile in just a few appointments with our Lawrenceville, GA dentist Dr. Tu Nguyen DDS. Call AT Dental, P.C. today to learn more or schedule a consultation!

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Any treatment that is performed to improve the look of your teeth falls under the category of cosmetic dentistry. Dental professionals have been administering cosmetic procedures for decades, and in ancient times people used shells, stones and animal bones to create makeshift dental restorations. Today, cosmetic dentistry is a $2.75 billion industry.

Top Cosmetic Services

Though patients most often go to the dentist’s office because there’s an urgent problem, some go specifically for a cosmetic solution. Here are some of the top cosmetic treatments used in dental offices across the country:

Getting Your Perfect Smile

In some cases, our Lawrenceville, GA dentist will recommend a combination of cosmetic treatments to help you get your perfect smile. For example, your treatment plan may include Invisalign clear aligners to reposition your teeth and professional whitening to make them look brighter. In some cases, our Lawrenceville dentist might need to use both veneers and crowns to recreate your smile.

Call To Schedule A Cosmetic Dentistry Consultation

Cosmetic dentistry can change your smile for the better. With so many options to choose from, don’t make the decision alone. Stop in for a consultation with Dr. Nguyen at AT Dental in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and find out which treatment might be best for you! Call today and be on your way to a great smile!

Are you interested in enhancing your smile with cosmetic dentistry?
Call AT Dental, P.C. in Lawrenceville, GA today at (770) 277-0774 for more information!

Office Hours


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm





AT Dental, PC

1154 Lawrenceville Hwy # 102

Lawrenceville, GA 30046 US

(770) 277-0774